The Arkanssouri Blog.: Maybe I'm a native of Tardoslovakia and just don't realize it.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Maybe I'm a native of Tardoslovakia and just don't realize it.

. . . 'Cuz I went out and bought a 512MB flash drive, so I can start bringing in video clips to post here via YouTube.

For you fellow non-techies; video files are too big to put on a floppy (Episode II of The Arkanssouri Show is just over 30 seconds long, for instance, and takes up over 70 meg of disk space; floppies hold less than 2 meg) and my CD drive is not writable.

The flash drive is supposed to be plug-n-play. But when I attached it, the computer starts looking for installation software that doesn't exist, and I'll be damned if I can figure out how to get the bastard to work.

What am I missing? *AM* I a Tardoslovak? Do I have a summer home in Tardistan?



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