The Arkanssouri Blog.: How did Steve B. spend the national day of mourning for President Reagan?

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

How did Steve B. spend the national day of mourning for President Reagan?

A quick check of Big Red Giant will tell us.

The first thing they had us do was learn how to react to a Nuclear Attack. In the Army you pretty much just lie face down on the ground and pray to God. I am not kidding here. The steps are: 1) Face the blast, 2) close eyes, 3) interlock hands over your crotch, 4) fall to your knees, 5) fall onto your left (or right) shoulder, 6) turn onto your stomach and put the visor of your helmet into the ground. This position is really only useful if you are about 2 miles away from the blast and you have 10 seconds to do it in.

Peace through strength, brother.


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