The Arkanssouri Blog.: "This is my rifle; this is my gun!"

Friday, September 08, 2006

"This is my rifle; this is my gun!"

If "fired his gun" was a euphemism, then this:

Man's Gun Fires in Wal-Mart Bathroom

wouldn't be news. It happens more often than polite society would like to believe. Often, with more than one gun firing.

But, in this case, the literal meaning is the correct one.
[H/T 2 Buzzpage.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *will* own a Glock someday, but dangit, the gun does *not* have a separate manual safety. This shouldn't have happened with safe gun-handling practices, but I can see how it could. Times like these I can see the wisdom of manual-safety autopistols, like the various Ruger and Beretta centerfires, for instance, or even for Israeli-style empty-chamber carry, known as "condition three" to the U.S. gunny set. It's a little slower in a serious self-defense situation (as you have to work the slide to charge the piece)but I wonder if it wouldn't be a whole lot healthier for some folks, such as the chap in the article you referenced, and anyone who chooses to spend time with him.


2:49 PM  

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