The Arkanssouri Blog.: Two Reasons I Believe The Cold War Never Ended;

Friday, September 08, 2006

Two Reasons I Believe The Cold War Never Ended;

The front lines simply moved here to America. And the enemy is entrenched in our own society.

1. Compulsory redistribution of school supplies.

In her communication, my cousin notified me of the customary confiscation
decree and of her frustration at being told its her responsibility to provide
for everyone else’s offspring as well as her own.


Instead of having to endure hectic back to school sales in pursuit of
classroom paraphernalia, parents could have surrendered $30.00 per child to
endow educators to acquire the needed supplies. Instead of falling for this wily
plea, my cousin decided to obtain the scholastic accoutrements on her

Much to her surprise, her grand total came to $35.00. The shock did not
stem from the total exceeding the figure tabulated by the school system but from
the fact she was buying for three children.

There's another example here. Sadly, neither article identifies the schools.

The Lars Larson Show originally tipped me off to this. I don't normally listen to Larson because for some reason my AM station that carries him has decided that right in the middle of his program, sometimes right in the middle of his sentences, is a good time to end their broadcast day abruptly and without warning. Besides, that time of day I'm usually watching ESPN.

2. Not to be outdone by the leftists running the welfare schools, the Right's own Nanny Huckabee comes up with a notion straight out of "God is the State; the State is God" Land. He actually draws a moral equivalency between paying income taxes and tithing to the Church.

The Republican preacher-turned politician compares the idea to the biblical concept of tithing, or giving 10% of one's income to the church. Huckabee says a flat income tax, like a tithe, would be proportionate to each person's income,
and therefore more equitable.

TANGENT: Surprisingly, I don't see anywhere where the Club For Growth has picked this up. They usually don't miss a chance to rip on Nanny Huckabee. But then again, I've lost a lot of respect for the C4G since they've kept Steve Laffey as one of their "Recommended Candidates" even after it was revealed that Laffey either is pro-gay-bashing or finds gay-bashing funny. Yeah, Chaffee's no peach, but as far as I know, he doesn't advocate breaking the ribs of people like me. The C4G should have taken a principled stand and withdrawn their recommendation when this came out. That they didn't lumps them in with all the other hate groups.


Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Yeah, definitely dump Laffey over that. God knows he's the only person who ever wrote something stupid in college. And if you're like Boy George, you sure have changed a lot since the last time I saw you.

7:57 PM  
Blogger The Last American said...

The problem is, there is nothing to convince me that he doesn't still hold those views.

Nowhere on his campaign site does he say that he is now against breaking the ribs of gay people.

I can find no sensitivity or anger management classes he has attended, and as far as I can tell he has never done a single thing to make up to the gay community -- no volunteering at gay community centers, no attending candlelight vigils for hate-crime victims (not even Matthew Shepard), nothing.

So, unless he gives me reason to believe otherwise, he still wants to break the ribs of gay people.

12:13 PM  
Blogger Tom Hanna said...

Straight guys don't attend sensitivity classes. :)

6:21 PM  

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