The Arkanssouri Blog.: Alex wasn't the only Randian superhero in the Keaton household.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Alex wasn't the only Randian superhero in the Keaton household.

Here's a Family Ties flashback for you:

Steven Keaton: [walks into the kitchen.] What's this?
Elyse Keaton: Andrew drew it. It's a picture of a dog. I told him that he couldn't have a dog because Mallory is allergic to dogs.
Steven Keaton: What's this?
Elyse Keaton: It's a picture of Mallory moving away.

Keaton/Keaton in '08. No, not Mallory, Jennifer, Steven or Elyse. We'll have to amend the Constitution first, so Andrew can serve as veep, but it can be done!


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