Oh, yeah.
DEFINITELY having WAY too much fun with Operation Ex-Lax.

Labels: activism, grassroots, Operation Ex-Lax
DEFINITELY having WAY too much fun with Operation Ex-Lax.
Labels: activism, grassroots, Operation Ex-Lax
[Warning: explicit language follows. It is the mayor's word, not mine.]
Labels: Operation Ex-Lax
Got one of these awhile back . . .
... only to discover when I got home from Wally World that my old computer didn't have a USB port.
So it sat on the desk fer Gawd knows how long. From what I remember, I caught it on sale for about fourteen bucks. A pretty good deal for my first digital camera; not such a good deal for a blue plastic paperweight.
Then a family friend upgraded and gave me his two old computers.
I can cause all sorts of mischief now.
Labels: digital camera, Vivitard
. . . comes from my younger years living at the top of Cole Hollow in East Peoria IL. (Those of you in the area, go up the road to the top of the big hill, turn left; mine was the first house you encounter.)
From the January '07 sightings on UFOmaps.com:
Surely you don't expect me to blog today, when I can be out .
Something to think about:
Googling the term "'Red Hat Society' terrorist group" yields 562 results.
I would hope the other parties would borrow this from him, after the primaries.
Labels: 1984, Clintonism
That individual in the back of the Valerie Plame hearings in the pink, wearing the Jackie O pillbox hat, giving the "peace" sign and the "shamey shamey" sign?
That is, of course, a reference to one's ability to juggle numerous balls at the same time.
Bringing British television (See also Dr. Who and 'Allo! 'Allo!) to America is one of the few things Socialized Television did right.
[H/T 2 Kip.]
Labels: Are You Being Served?
One quote pops into mind --
"Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a
single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is
slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few
hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."-Professor X.
The most interesting part of this story --
As Walter was inspecting the Cape Rock Water Treatment Plant property Tuesday night, a rabbit leaped into his golf cart - followed by a 25-pound bobcat. The rabbit then jumped back out, leaving Walter alone with a large, frightened feline.
Labels: bunnilingus
. . . of the whole Monica Lewinsky thing.
Labels: Big Media, Clinton, impeachment, Monica, Newt
Go read the whole frightening account here.
Labels: Northwest Airlines Flight 327
Bangau's family actually held a funeral after a passenger list confirmed he was ona10-seater aircraft which crashed into the Indonesian jungle at Long Bawan in July, 2002.
Four days later Bangau, then 20, walked out of the jungle. Although his dad Yuni, who had been sitting next to him had died, Bangau escaped with only a few cuts.
An investigation later revealed he'd survived because he had undone his seatbelt, allowing him to be thrown clear of the aircraft as it disintegrated.
Labels: Seat Belt Horror Stories
Well, now apparently they are for the murdering of trees.
SAN FRANCISCO -- Paper or plastic? Shoppers may get a twist on that old checkout line question if the city approves a ban on plastic grocery bags.
The measure would require grocery stores that do more than $2 million in sales a year to offer customers bags made of recyclable paper . . .
Labels: Environmental Illness, shifting standards
Thanks to the Arkansas state legislature, it is now presumably illegal to use the word "Arkansas'" in Arkansas.
Labels: absurdity, Apostrophe abuse, waste of time and money
Kinda slow lately.
Labels: Operation Ex-Lax, V for Vendetta.
Shouldn't news be, well, new?
Labels: Grand Gulf, Mis-Leader