Help find Phoebe.
I know it's a long shot, but if by chance any of my readers have seen Phoebe, call the number in this article.
I know it's a long shot, but if by chance any of my readers have seen Phoebe, call the number in this article.
The library's installing new filtering software tomorrow. I'm sure at some point I've cursed on this blasted blog, so if you don't hear from me again, it's because I've been filtered and denied access.
Question: exactly is punishing success and rewarding failure either "for the common good" or "putting the country on track"?
From the Mayo News Online:
Probably for the best. She had moments of genius, but you had to sort through hours of muck to get to those moments.
Professional smart-ass William F. Buckley, after 50 years, is giving up control of A Very Funny Magazine.
If you address a jury notice to someone in THAYER MO, odds are they no longer live in FULTON COUNTY AR.
A quick check of Big Red Giant will tell us.
Who enforces the enforcers?
It's very simple, cops. Read them their rights. Quit trying to find loopholes around Miranda.
Apparently, the drunken sailor Bush is spending like is not drunk enough for Babbitt's tastes.
Quakes today in Illinois (4.5 Mag),and Alaska/British Columbia (7.0).
... because while it SHOULD be legal to do what you want to your own body, making such a cause a priority often gets you labeled a druggie and a crackpot.
He's got both houses of Congress in his corner. And yet, as shows us here, he's presided over a 25.3% growth in non-defense discretionary spending.
It comes as no surprise to my friends that Xmas annoys me. So it is with great pleasure that I note today we are as far away from Xmas as we can possibly be, six months from the previous Xmas and six months until the next one.
Tired of waiting on the guys to finish demolishing the old storage building out back, I decided this week to help the process along, with my hammer and crowbar.
I see the good folks at Absit Invidia have added The Arkanssouri Blog to their blogroll. Welcome, Absit Invidians. I'll have to check your site out.
It seems our neighbors to the west, specifically in the city of Norman OK, are a little too grabby with people's money.
This comes from the Southeast Missourian:
Once again, the Moonies get it right.
I made it to a thousand hits, in about a tenth of the time I expected to when I started.
Court Told To Drop Gay Teen's Prison Term
According to some blog search engines, Big Red Giant is the closest blog to me.
Perhaps, lady, we should ban stupid children instead. And while we're at it, let's ban neglectful mothers who let their 5-year-old aforementioned stupid children play unsupervised.
Seatbelt fatality #6.
This is the way government is supposed to work. Buy in bulk and it's cheaper.
From this article:
No, no. That's NOT a really FABulous gay man. It's the scientific name in the X-Men world for mutants, people with a genetic mutation that gives them super powers.
Thanks to Instapundit for directing my attention to this 1999 CNN article.
He's not ELIGIBLE. He is a criminal.
Some people call it the "Different Strokes" syndrome. I don't, because that would tar Gary Coleman with the same brush that tars Todd Bridges and Dana Plato. It seems to me Gary has a pretty good head on his shoulders. It was the people around him, the people who were supposed to be taking care of him, that had seriously f--ed-up priorities.
This opinion piece gives us a better glimpse into the content of Slick Willie's character than all six thousand pages of his book, I'd wager.
Press association to hold candidates' forum Friday
Strategy-wise, the Libertarians may be onto something here.
Last night a caller on the Rollye James show brought up a question I've been wondering about.
MoveOn wipes its nose with a tissue of lies.
Yes, yes. I KNOW they're Moonies.
... about your name, anyway. Here's one story, in which the headline writer does not understand the concept of "rights." Individuals have rights. The police have powers.
And if THOSE don't work, a few tactical nukes should give Iran an attitude adjustment.
Clinton: "I do not see [my impeachment] as a great stain because it was illigitimate..."
It wasn't the day his administration sentenced Elian Gonzales to a life under brutal communist rule.
Clinton says he was disappointed in his brother for becoming addicted to cocaine.
Apparently, the extraterrestrial equivalent to the Beverly Hillbillies has been passing through the neighborhood.
The third parties on the right could cost him the election.
The story is here.
Of all the things we need in this world, is a mechanical monkey one of them?
If he would have died had he not been wearing a seatbelt, you just KNOW this story would have said so.
No more sexy billboards.
From this article:
are at it again.
before someone started calling it the Clone Wars.
Thinking about this sentence hurts my head:
... since Brad Evans' home burned in a blaze of antigay hatred and bigotry. There still have been no arrests of the arsonist or arsonists.
"Secretive Kerry Ponders VP Choice."
Great article.
From this article:
Remember when state governments said they needed stiff taxes on cigarettes to fund health expenses for smokers?
Or your spit. Or your hair. Or your blood. Or your skin. Even if you're eventually found innocent, he wants it anyway.
And these are the people you want in charge of federal spending?
Well, I've done it. I broke my tattoo cherry today. I say "broke" because over and over in my head, my 7th grade English teacher, Ms. Vest, keeps repeating "There's no such word as 'busted.' The proper conjugation is 'burst, burst, burst.'"
has a good piece on "price discrimination" today.
for a state of 5.5 million people. The article is here.
This is good stuff, except for article 8, which would be good stuff in times of a draft, but considering everyone in the armed forces at the moment enlisted voluntarily, knowing they could be sent to fight a war they might not support, it is little more than tripe.
The Ag Dept. has determined that french fries are indeed vegetables.
No, people. It's not. There is no situation in which the C-word is not a term of derision.
. . . that must make the kid the priciest whore in the history of the world.
I refuse to call it "hacking," a term that conjures up images of misguided, curious youngsters who get a little too cute with their computers in between games of Dungeons & Dragons.
No, really; Miller started it with it's ad campaign mocking Bud's "King of Beers" slogan. You know, the ones where Miller is running for "President of Beers." The one with the debate with a Clydesdale.
From this article in the Southeast Missourian.
Because, I guess, it is somehow important for Thais to learn about Missouri.
...because there are still Confederate widows running around out there.
Endorsements of John Kerry keep rolling in.
ChronWatch has come up with a really good summer reading list.
Don't you think the holy rollers at the world headquarters of the Assembly of God had a hissy fit when they read this article?
The WaPo actually has a pretty good article today.
This article points out that the stereotypical blogger is astereotypical.
I went to the tire shop this morning to get the right front tire patched -- about a $10 job.
... but somehow appropriate. Rest in Peace, Ray Charles.
I hadn't realized Corliss Williamson was still playing in the NBA. But then, until this year, the Pistons haven't exactly been on my radar screen, or anyone else's, for that matter. I don't even know when he was traded to the Pistons.
Will whomever Kerry asks next be known as the Replacement Candidate? The Second Choice?
This comes from KARK:
I don't know if the library will be open or not, but even if it is, I am taking the day off out of respect for President Reagan.
If you go by the above address and see something in the yard you want, steal it. Apparently, the adults who live at that house want to live in a society where going into other people's yards and stealing things is acceptable.
It seems this area has it's own history book (here), detailing Civil War events from Thayer to Sturkie to West Plains. If interested, take a look.
Even Bill Clinton can be decent, when he wants to be.
Wouldn't be great if the fuel of the future could be grown in America's heartland instead of drilled out of the sands of the mideast?
There may be a break in the case of Springfield's three missing women.
Ebbett's Field, the sequel.
It seems people are charging what they want to for items they sell. Shame, shame.
When I finished Saturday's entry, I rushed home, planning to write a post comparing and contrasting Ronald Reagan with John Kerry. As soon as I walked in the door, though, I heard the news that President Reagan had passed away, and I realized this was not a day for politics.
Days, maybe. Months at the most.
Why not protect the area against encroachment by GOVERNMENT?
Of all the things in the world to worry about, these people concentrate on foam ?!?!!
Jim Talent supports taking more property out of the hands of private owners and giving it to the government.
Here is an article describing Missouri's status as a major battleground state.
Governor Huckabee, unhappy that big government has been thrown out of our bedrooms, is trying to put it in our kitchens.
Funny how these morons have never rallied against murder, and they've never rallied against theft. They've never rallied against rape, and they've never rallied against lynching. They've never rallied against child abuse, and they've never rallied against kidnapping.
But it may be of interest to some of my blogophile readers. It seems some people are making money off their blogs.
I guess it didn't like my dozens of News Alerts I created. Now I have to go do it manually. P.I.T.A.
I bleed Cubbie blue, but if they have to get beaten up, they can take some comfort in the fact that the guy who beat them up is really, really, really good looking.
Missouri's senators have a knack for stating the obvious.
I'm at the Dollar General Store yesterday looking for paper towels. I pass through the men's shirt area and find a grey T-shirt with no picture on it, just blue lettering, outlined in white.
Governor Mikey (of the supposedly "less government party") tells us why he's in favor of big government involving itself in your eating habits.
Too bad Jimi Hendrix isn't still around. And too bad Dallas is so far away.
One reader emailed me regarding the new Elementary Temple to Socialism. I've changed her name, since I haven't been able to get back to her to ask if it's OK to print this. I've also left out some things that might help in identifying her.
... I thought you might be interested in this story of Jo Ann Emerson spending your money like a drunken sailor.
Ron Paul opines and extrapolates on the notion that that those who trade liberty for security deserve neither.
Newsmax points out another example of how consistency has never been John Kerry's strong point.
... hundreds left to go.
Instead of the local (well, somewhat local) FM station located at 96.9 on the dial, KUPH from Willow Springs, this morning I am receiving Electric 96.9 out of Paducah KY, which Mapquest tells me is 197.36 miles away.
I'm finally getting the outbuilding in the backyard torn down, and it looks like a tornado hit it. When the guys taking it down pulled it over, it squashed my big Royal Empress tree, one of the ones I planted as a 9/11 memorial.
Nolan was better in the Q&A part of the debates, even won all the primaries. Russo was better in the closing statement (even suggested civil disobedience if third parties aren't allowed in the debates). Yet somehow the Libertarians wound up picking Badnarik.