Bill Burkett's Whiny-Ass, delusional, self-serving family.
They have a blog now.
Go get 'em, guys.
No, this isn't the same one.
{Update:} Let's see how long it stays up this time. I posted a comment on their blog they apparently didn't like, because it was immediately removed.
This is their post, and my comment.
The Nation: The Evidence Continues to Mount.
by Administrator at 06:50PM (PDT) on September 29, 2004 | Permanent Link
Go to the Nation (Online) Magazine and read tonight's new posting concerning testimony from a new witness in the saga of President Bush's military service record.
This is another new witness that has come forward with corroboration on filling in the blanks and answering the questions concerning where Bush was when the rest of the Nation was at War in Vietnam.
As Ms. Knox (LTC Killian's secretary) indicated, even if "the CBS documents are faked, the content is absolutely accurate."
And she should know. She now says that she actually typed documents that said the same thing as was in the CBS documents.
Strange?? It seems so. If these documents are real, then Ms. Knox didn't type them. There were three other assigned personnel within that office who could have typed them and had open access to the equipment, which was capable of typing these documents. Could it have been?
If the documents were recreations, as suggested by Ms. Knox, then the recreator would have had to have detailed intimate knowledge of close held facts, according to Ms. Knox.
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Re: The Nation: The Evidence Continues to Mount.
by arkanssouri at 10:42AM (CDT) on Sep 30, 2004 | Permanent Link
"As Ms. Knox (LTC Killian's secretary) indicated, even if 'the CBS documents are faked, the content is absolutely accurate.'"
Oh PLEASE! That's like saying, "This check I'm writing you is both forged and counterfeit, but I'm pretty sure there's actual money in the account it's written on!