WMD attack in Waldo FL.
It seems some people would rather have WMDs in their neighborhoods than porn.
Ten bucks their Republicans and/or churchy types.
It seems some people would rather have WMDs in their neighborhoods than porn.
I once, in a little college rantrag called the Bear Review, parodied baseball and liberalism by coming up with a set of rules for Liberal Rules Baseball.
Lester Clancy "invents" and somehow manages to patent a cordless jumprope. To help the clumsy.
WaPo: Reid Accepted Free Boxing Tickets While a Related Bill Was Pending.
Swan meets boat.
ACLU moves to make itself a silent circle jerk atop an ivory tower inside a darkened echo chamber.
"Where an individual director disagrees with a board position on matters of civil liberties policy, the director should refrain from publicly highlighting
the fact of such disagreement," the committee that compiled the standards wrote
in its proposals.
JR "Lou" Dobbs yesterday brought us this news:
Just moments before the final Senate vote, the United States Senate adopted
a provision that requires consultation with the government of Mexico before the
United States government can build a security fence on our southern border.
Last night I'm watching a program on the Discovery Channel called "Conspiracy Files." I've seen other episodes of this program and it treats neither the fringe-Art-Bell-types nor the the-government-wouldn't-do-such-a-thing-types as above question. Neither side is presented as gospel.
thanks for the link, we'll give it a read.
bill bastone
Re: Your support for the Libertarian cause.
Meanwhile, after naming their first-born girl Moxie CrimeFighter last June, comedian Penn Jillette and wife came up with something a bit more mainstream for their new son--Zolten Penn, who was born Monday. "Zolten is a common Hungarian name, it's my wife's maiden name and most importantly, it's the name of Dracula's dog," said Jillette.
That feathered harbinger of pregnancy may be a friend of Dorothy's.
Dateline Oklahoma: Man hiding under car licks woman's toes.
Breitbart [via Drudge] brings us this little tale of drunk driving times eighteen.
Lithuanian [Massachusetts] police were so astonished when they pulled over a truck driver [Senator] and his breathalyzer test registered 18 times the legal alcohol limit, they thought their testing device must be broken. It wasn't.
Police said Tuesday [...] Vidmantas Sungaila [Ted and/or Patrick Kennedy] registered 7.27 grams per liter of alcohol in his blood repeatedly on different devices when he was pulled over for driving his truck [limo] down the center of a two-lane highway 60 miles from the capital, Vilnius on Saturday.Lithuania's [Massachusetts'] legal limit is 0.4 grams per liter.
"This guy should have been lying dead, but he was still driving. It
must be an unofficial national record," Saulius Skvernelis, the director of the
national police traffic control service, told the AP."He was of high spirits and grinning the whole time he was questioned."
Medical experts say anything above 3.5 grams per liter of alcohol in the
blood is lethal for most people.
Reuters brings us this little tidbit about a closet environment-hater who used to be veep destroying the ozone layer and contributing to global warming [emphasis mine.]:
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore appears to have let the glamour of
Cannes get the better of him. In town to promote documentary "An Inconvenient Truth", about global warming and risks to the environment, he and his companions took five cars to travel from the Carlton Hotel to the Palace where films are shown during the festival. Due to the traffic, the 500-metre trip would have been quicker to walk.
Mr Gore said global warming was a "challenge to our moral imagination to understand it and then to respond to it urgently".
Dutch troops are either antigay or unicornphobic. I can't decide which.
Dutch troops in Afghanistan have renamed their peacekeeping operation, fearing that the original name of Unicorn has homosexual connotations, the Defence Ministry said.
"It would seem that in Anglo-Saxon culture the mythological figure of the unicorn is associated with homosexuality," ministry spokesman Otte Beeksma told AFP.
"In Kandahar our men are working alongside Canadian, British and Australian troops," Beeksma added. "They don't want this connotation and to avoid remarks they have changed the name of their mission."
Stephen King (in his later, crappy years) seems to be writing the screenplay for reality these days.
Gerhard Schneider, 72, from Brandenburg an der Havel near Potsdam said for weeks a large stork has been following him and his wife when they leave the
house and tapping on their farmhouse window day and night if they stay in.
. . . and aren't kids allowed to bring their own vegetables for lunch?
CNN: Fingers + Length = Heart Trouble.
The writer of that little (unsubstantiated) piece in the Glorified Coloring Book on the NSA that caused a major stirring in the hornet's nest? Democratic donor.
I've heard Meat Is Murder. I've heard Fur Is Murder.
... No, wait, it IS like that. It is EXACTLY like that, BECAUSE IT IS THAT.
. . . that wimmen are bad.
The 52-year-old Tioga-Nicetown man, who we are identifying only by his first name of Howard, arrived home late Wednesday, hours after his wife allegedly tore off two parts of his genitalia with her bare hands.
. . . they'd call it 'eminent domain.'
This one may or may not be eligible for inclusion in the Straight People Follies.
Arkansas Mayor Caught in Sex-For-Water Scandal.
Just a reminder for all you candidates for the Darwin Awards. And Callie.
Flint, Michigan, power company wins pissing contest, goes on a power trip against woman who wasn't playing.
It was just a penny, but to Consumers Energy it was enough to cut off power in a local home. Jacqueline Williams, 41, of Flint had an electricity bill of
$1,662.08 and paid all of it, except for one cent. That wasn't enough for the
power company, which blacked her out for seven hours Wednesday.
Today's quote of the day comes from a video clip from yesterday's Glen Beck Show on CNN Headline News.
Bill Cosby: "You hear people talk about it takes a village. I want to warn you, there`s prostitutes in the village."
Finally updated the thing on my sidebar that is now outdated, the one that said I was a Jedi Master.
In Episode IV, A New Hope (that's the movie you uninitiated types would call Star Wars), who killed more people, Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker?
Oh, look. Here comes the little man with his red-hot icepick.
It is a sad comment on the state of the world that I have to remind them of such things, but here goes.
Han Solo and Lando Calrissian -- was there more to their relationship than friendship?
For awhile now, I've had two recurring dreams. Sometimes they merge into one.
. . . when I was talking about the Francisco D'Anconia Model.
Grizzly/Polar Bear hybrid discovered.
H1 gets the passenger pigeon treatment.
(Hey, no ending with a preposition, remember?)
Or any other heroin for that matter. I avoid needles at nearly all cost.
Family obs.
What color is the sky in a world where getting a spanking improves morale?
Go Balloons.
If you paint over them and agree not to paint any more, you won't get any jail time.
Another day, another Kennedy substance-abuse problem.
Kennedy said in a statement he had taken a sleeping pill and another drug that can cause drowsiness, but had not been drinking alcohol before the accident. "Apparently, I was disoriented from the medication," Kennedy said. He scheduled a news conference for 3 p.m. EDT Friday in Washington.
The police report described Kennedy as "ability impaired," and listed alcohol influence as a contributing circumstance in the crash.
Louis P. Cannon, president of the Washington chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, who was not on the scene, said the congressman had appeared intoxicated when he crashed his car. The officers involved in the accident were instructed by an official "above the rank of patrolman" to take Kennedy home and no sobriety tests were conducted at the scene, Cannon said.
Now, let's see if the Left goes after him the way they did Rush.
[Update 2 via Drudge: Patty goes to Mayo.]
"I simply do not remember getting out of bed, being pulled over by the
police, or being cited for three driving infractions," Kennedy said.
... here's what you need to know about me to catch up with the rest of the class:
![]() | You scored as Libertarian. Libertarians believe that you have the right to live your life as you wish, without the government interfering, as long as you donâ??t violate the rights of others. This translates into strong protections for privacy and property rights, and a weak to non-existent social safety net.
What's Your Political Philosophy? created with QuizFarm.com |
Health Nazis score a victory, pull sodas . . . and fruit juice . . . and milk (MILK!) from school vending machines.
The Sith Code
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
I certainly wouldn't consider spending the rest of my life at the mercy of people I hate to be winning. Knowing that every morsel of food I receive was given to me at the discretion of my enemies would seem like losing to me. Going to the bathroom only when given permission. Receiving and sending mail only because my captors have deemed that particular letter acceptable. Having absolutely no influence on the world outside your jail cell.
Candidate's two sons don't vote, cost him a win.
It seems Dean and the Democrats like gays only as long as they don't get too big for their britches.
Democratic Party Chair Howard Dean on May 2 fired the party's gay outreach advisor Donald Hitchcock less than a week after Hitchcock's domestic partner, Paul Yandura, a longtime party activist, accused Dean of failing to take stronger action to defend gays.
"This is retaliation, plain and simple," said Yandura. "This shows what they think about domestic partners."
Yandura said Tuesday night that Dean was using Hitchcock as a "scapegoat" for problems of Dean's own making.
"All I did was ask questions about what the party and Dean are doing about its GLBT constituency, Yandura said. "I have yet to see any answers."
By nipping emerging individual liberty in other countries in the bud?
Judith Bryan, a spokeswoman for the American Embassy here, said the officials in Washington had urged Mexico "to review the legislation and to avoid the perception that drug use would be tolerated in Mexico and to prevent drug tourism."
It is unusual for American officials to try to influence internal Mexican legislation.
"A Chicago mayor" (odd choice of words there BTW) uses his official credit card to pick up the £750 tab at a strip club.
Name five people you'd switch for.
. . . for the removal of my tagboard. Bastards.
See? See what the heterosexuals are like???
An executive at a heart disease charitable foundation who embezzled close
to a quarter of a million dollars over two years to pay a dominatrix to beat him was sentenced Tuesday to two to six years in prison.
. . . which, incidentally, was how George Washington spelled it.
One more from our "Guys invent [or modify] cool things" department:
It's a perfectly street-legal VW, too, with current California registration and smog-approved gas-burning front engine made by Volkswagen. It's just this humongous big thing projecting 23 inches rearward from the hatchback that makes it different from any other bug. The "thing" is what Patrick describes as "essentially a baby Lear jet engine, a couple steps down from the engine on an F4 Phantom."
Bought something from the Commies today.
It seems that, like many a budding young socialist, the Chupacabra occasionally makes a pilgrimage to Russia.
Bright and ugly this morning, I loaded up the lawn mower and weed eater to go to Koshkonong Cemetery to do a little work on my maternal grandparents', an uncle's and an aunt's graves. At that cemetery, they tend not no mow until right before a holiday.