Surely, someone along the way HAD TO notice this.
. . . to make a mental note to one's self that a baby he sees resembles an ugly drag queen impersonating Fiona Apple trying to pull off the heroin chic look?
Star Wars is a much better movie if you shut it off as Darth Vader is poking around in Obi-Wan's robes with his lightsaber.
I wonder, if a couple of gay men pulled a couple of off-duty cops out of their car and did the same things to them, would they get to relax on the couch for a year, or would they become Inmate Bubba's New Girlfriends?
Nanny Huckabee destroyed hard drives, emptied emergency funds to pay for it (partially).
Department of Information Systems Director Claire Bailey says hard drives for 83 computers and four servers were destroyed, or crushed, after some information was downloaded onto backup tapes. Before the drives were physically destroyed, they were wiped by writing over their memories.
Huckabee didn't respond Thursday to an e-mail asking questions about the computers and his use of the emergency fund.
In addition to paying for destruction of the computer hard drives, Huckabee had spent money from the fund on various projects throughout the year, including . . . ten-thousand dollars to the Hot Springs Documentary Film Institute to purchase a car.
Fallen into an alternate universe again.
Washington, Jan 16 (Prensa Latina) US President George W.Bush excluded movie star Martin Sheen, playing the main role in the series "The West Wing," from a visit to the White House with the rest of the cast, Internet site revealed on Tuesday.
The cast was invited to the Executive headquarters so they could see the real life of their counterparts, the artist highlighted.
From yesterday's CNN Newsroom:
And this just coming in to CNN. We're getting word that Senator John Kerry will announce soon from the Senate floor that he will be not running for the presidency.
. . . directive.
[BECK:] Although Claire McCaskill said -- and I thought it was a shocking moment of honesty. Said today that she was actually watching Carl Levin to figure out when to stand during the applaud. When should I clap, when should I stand?
My Superhero Name is Commander Justice.
Take The Superhero Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.
As close as Jack was to Valencia (he could see the mushroom cloud and a 'copter near him was downed by the shock wave), wouldn't the nuke's EMP* have knocked out all the circuitry in his cell phone and the cars around him?
Which is more "buying American*" -- buying a Toyota manufactured in America or buying a Ford made in Mexico?
Coach Cooper was my high school Algebra I & II teacher. He had a fondness for giving his students irritating nicknames, but that's beside the point.
... an interview with a reasonable theist (who knew such a thing existed?) in Discover magazine (it's not online yet, so don't bother looking for it) brings up a good point I hadn't thought about before.
. . . I am about to be snowed in.
Found an American-made notepad at the grocery store, alongside a foreign-made one.
Adultery in Michigan can get you a life sentence.
The first thing he noticed, even in the fumes and heat of the cockpit, was that he could once again breathe. The next thing he noticed, as he looked in the rear-view mirror, was how the number on his helmet kept changing, from 55 to 27 to 72.
Listening to Derry Brownfield go on and on yesterday about foreign goods and the disappearing working class in America, I had a question.
. . . so I thought I'd drop in and say "hi" just to stay on my MWF schedule.
I am weaned off Old Media's quaint little concept of The Evening News.
The only scene I find creepy in the movie Beetlejuice is the one at the end, where the dead football players are singing and dancing on the staircase, with Winona Ryder floating in front of them.
Robert Anton Wilson, R.I.P.
. . . to this modest blog in noting the Jackass Party's Differently-Kept Time.
Finally, I don't have to feel irrelevant by voting in the Libertarian Primary!
. . . the Jackass Party has now come up with "Differently-Kept Time."
“We decide what constitutes the 100 hours,” said Stacey Bernards, a Hoyer spokeswoman. Chiefly, Mr. Cogorno decides. It is a monumental charge.
It amazes me what passes and doesn't pass for news.
From KAIT:
Mitchell Johnson was arrested on New Year's Day after a traffic stop in Fort Smith yielded the discovery of a small amount of marijuana in his pocket. Police then searched Johnson's van and found a loaded 9-milimeter pistol. Johnson was released from the Washington County jail on a $1,000 dollar bond.
Schwarzenegger's been around the Kennedys, Hollywood, and the Berkely crowd too long. Their socialism is rubbing off on him.
“Everyone in California must have health insurance,” Mr. Schwarzenegger
He made it clear that a variety of mechanisms would be used to provide all Californians with insurance and that the responsibility of providing it would fall on the government, employers, health care providers and the uninsured themselves.
I wasn't paying attention until they got to the sh*tting part. They showed this kid playing with the dog and then a closeup of it's ass. When you push it's tail down, it drops little brown plastic pieces of dog crap. Then you use the scooper to pick them up. This is the most disgusting toy I have ever seen in my life. I can't describe it, you have to see this shiny little dog turds dropping out of the toy dog's butt to appreciate just how bad this thing is. Not to mention that fact that you have to feed the little piles of crap, I mean "biscuits" to the dog to refill him
Momofuku Ando, the inventor of ramen noodles, died Friday of a heart attack.
NASA may have found, and killed, life on Mars.
The Viking experiments of the 1970s wouldn't have noticed hydrogen peroxide-based life and, in fact, would have killed it by drowning and overheating the microbes, said Schulze-Makuch.
Archbishop Stanislaw Wielgus resigned on Sunday after admitting to collaborating with Poland's communist secret police -- conduct that the Vatican's top spokesman acknowledged on Sunday had "gravely compromised his authority".
[Former Hitler Youther] Benedict had defended Wielgus in the face of a rising tide of allegations, and the Vatican sent out a statement last month saying it had taken his past into account when it elevated the former bishop of Plock to the prestigious post.
... but Barney Frank is straight outta Anthem.
"Government doesn't have to interfere with the free enterprise system, but we can work along with it to reduce inequality," Frank said.
From Drudge:
Democrats ran to expand the work week in the House to 5 days.
But guess how long that lasted?
Not even one week!
A Hoyer press release obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT boldly declares: "Monday, January 8, 2007: The House is not in session."Hill sources claim The House is taking Monday 'off' this week, because of the championship football game between Ohio State and the University of Florida.
How come the link in this pic on your website --
Thanks to my little walk in the bizarre snow the other day, this year's round of the Heinous Upper-Respiratory Thing is beginning to set in.
Molestation charges against former FBI agent dropped after "the sudden and unexpected death" of the alleged victim.
Doctors interviewed by the FBI told agents that when the associate justice stopped taking the drug, he suffered paranoid delusions. One doctor said Rehnquist thought he heard voices outside his hospital room plotting against him and had "bizarre ideas and outrageous thoughts," including imagining "a CIA plot against him" and "seeming to see the design patterns on the hospital curtains change configuration."
Yes, Willie Ren got the agency that was after him wrong (it was the FBI, not the CIA), but that these files exist is evidence he was being watched.
[H/T 2 memeorandum.]
Xmas is over; it HAS been over for more than a week.
I wake up this morning, ready to go to Warm Fork park and do my laps. I'm up to five now, increasing by one per day.
Thelmon Green, the cigar-chomping old man who for the past seven years has lived happily in a Chevrolet van, is being ordered to move by the Marion County
Health Department.
Sheryl Crum, of the department's Housing Division, visited Green's digs
Thursday and pronounced the arrangement "not a healthy place to live."
"Lord have mercy," said Philip Hall, a friend of Green's who often brings him food. "What this is is government people who have a mandate to save us from ourselves."
ChiTrib: O'Hare buzzed by UFO; Corporate/Government coverup.
Some airline workers reported seeing a mysterious, elliptical-shaped craft over O'Hare International Airport last fall but say their bosses and the government wouldn't take them seriously.
The Federal Aviation Administration has dismissed the reported Nov. 7 sighting by United Airlines employees as a likely weather phenomenon.
A group of workers, including pilots, told the Chicago Tribune on condition of anonymity in remarks published Monday that they saw a dark gray, flying saucer-like object hover motionless in the sky above the United terminal around 4:30 p.m. that day.
After several minutes, the object -- described variously at 6 feet to 24 feet in diameter -- bolted noiselessly upward through thick clouds so powerfully that it left an eerie hole in the clouds.
Speaker Sugar Tits isn't wasting any time.
Democrats To Start Without GOP Input
[I]nstead of allowing Republicans to fully participate in deliberations, as promised after the Democratic victory in the Nov. 7 midterm elections, Democrats now say they will use House rules to prevent the opposition from offering alternative measures, assuring speedy passage of the bills and allowing their party to trumpet early victories.
No, not a fondness for frilly hats.
Cheese is to be treated as junk food under new [British] advertising rules for children's television.
The National Farmers' Union described the decision as ' nannying gone mad'.
Giuliani camp says the dossier was stolen, not lost.