Yet another excellent manvention.
Now THIS could come in handy!
The Thinking Beer Mat.
A beer mat that calls for a refill when the pint is almost empty has been invented by scientists in Germany.
Now THIS could come in handy!
A beer mat that calls for a refill when the pint is almost empty has been invented by scientists in Germany.
I just put a review of Mystic River on
Some Brits jump on the rubbery wristbandwagon with glow-in-the-dark "Against Antisocial Behaviour" bandies.
Part of the money for Katrina's recovery could be recovered if the damn Treasury Department would quit redesigning the damn money.
Officials promised that America's currency will undergo makeovers every seven to 10 years to keep ahead of counterfeiters armed with the latest advances in computer technology that make digital counterfeiting easier.
Several years ago, my friend Kevin and I noticed that Newt Gingrich seemed particularly fond of the split predicate adjective.
The Democrats' position is bizarre and grotesque.
Janet Reno is murderous and disgusting.
The memo then provided two lists. One was a set of "Optimistic Positive Governing words and phrases to help describe" the GOP vision for the future; the other was a list of "Contrasting words to help you clearly define the policies and record of your opponent and the Democratic party."
The positive words were hardly surprising; they included "caring," "freedom," "liberty," "moral," prosperity," and "strength. But the "contrasting words"--which GOPAC said should be applied to Democrats and their proposals--were rather hard-edged: "betray," "bizarre," "cheat," "corrupt," "destroy," "disgrace," "greedy," "incompetent," "intolerant," "radical," "shallow," "sick," and "traitors."
You didn't know you were a peeping tom for pandas, did you?
From a transcript of yesterday's Situation Room:
Wolf Blitzer: The president, Kathleen Blanco, the governor of Louisiana, speaking to reporters after touring this area, the president, at least, for the seventh time since the start of Katrina. That's now more than a month ago.
Let's check in with our Jack Cafferty. He's watching all of this, as he does every day.
Hi, Jack.
Is that what they call a photo-op, that thing we just saw, Wolf?
BLITZER: That's correct.
CAFFERTY: OK. I just wanted to make sure.
BLITZER: They have people standing behind him that they want to stand behind him.
CAFFERTY: And all of -- and it's all politicians. They're all...
BLITZER: Well, some real -- real people, too.
CAFFERTY: Oh, they have a real person or two?
BLITZER: Yes, they have real people. They always have real people there, too.
CAFFERTY: But they're -- it's probably by invitation only, I mean, a real person, but only if you're invited.
Former FEMA director Michael Brown did say in his testimony today that he is not -- quote -- "a superhero," which is something that I had already figured out all by myself. What I didn't know was, according to Brown, the whole Katrina fiasco was the fault of local lawmakers.
I also didn't know Brown is still on the payroll. Brown said yesterday that he's being paid for about a month as a consultant to FEMA.
So, help me out here. The guy who resigned in disgrace after bungling the response to Katrina is being paid taxpayer money by the government to be a consultant. Yes, that makes sense, right?
JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: Well, before we get to the next e- mail question, I've gotten a lot of mail, as you said you have, from viewers on that very subject. The president wants us to conserve energy, and yet he's made seven trips in Air Force One, you mentioned the SUVs and let's not forget, too, he flies in a helicopter from the White House out to Andrews where he gets on Air Force One, and those things don't run on jelly. You have got to put some kind of fuel in those, too. So, I don't know, turning off the White House computer overnight compared to what did Suzanne say, $6,000 an hour to fly Air Force One around?
Here's the question, is this country ready for a woman president? I mean, the answer, as far as I'm concerned is absolutely. They couldn't do any worse job than some of the men who have had the office. And I've had two wives and four daughters, and I'm convinced they're smarter than we are, Wolf.
BLITZER: I totally agree. If women can lead India and Israel and Britain, why can't they leave the United States?
CAFFERTY: I know he was. He actually -- you know, back -- I'm not a huge fan of him, but some of the things he does I admire. One of them is years ago the city was trying to rebuild a skating rink in Central Park, and, of course, like, you know, usual city projects, cost overruns, delays, reason -- 84 reasons why we couldn't get it done.
Trump says I'll fix the skating rink. He did it in six weeks, came in under budget, it was done, bang it was done. So he is good at building stuff.
JACK CAFFERTY, ANCHOR: Wolf, like every story, there are two sides to the media coverage that occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Reporters brought to life the dire situation in New Orleans. Some say they actually pressured the government to step into action by exposing the horrid conditions there.
But when it came to other darker side of the story, the media missed the mark. Various news outlets, broadcast and newspapers, reported on inflated body counts, unconfirmed rapes and sniper attacks and roving gangs of armed bandits.
The mayor of New Orleans, Ray Nagin, didn't help. He went on Oprah Winfrey's national TV show and talked about the people in the Superdome, quote, "watching dead bodies, watching hooligans killing people and raping people," unquote.
Some officials say the inaccurate reporting was due to a break down of communications. Others suggest race could have been a factor.
CAFFERTY: Wolf, on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, various media outlets reported on inflated body counts, unconfirmed rapes, sniper attacks and roaming gangs of armed thugs. Some officials say the inaccurate reporting was due to a breakdown in communications. There was anarchy in the couple of days immediately following Katrina.
But other suggested race could have been a factor, so the question is this. Why did the media exaggerate what happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina?
And one for the other side. Jim in Oxford, Ohio writes "with all of the TVs in THE SITUATION ROOM, you had to make up situations to fill them all. I don't know, Cafferty. You're the media, you tell us."
I'll tell you this, we didn't make up anything in THE SITUATION ROOM, did we, Wolf?
BLITZER: We try to just report the facts, only the facts and nothing but the facts.
CAFFERTY: There you go.
Gay Orbit poignantly points out that under Ratzinger's Rules, Father Mychal Judge would be unfit to be a Roman Catholic priest.
Trained dolphin snipers set free by hurricane.
Experts who have studied the US navy's cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying 'toxic dart' guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet's smartest.
'My concern is that they have learnt to shoot at divers in wetsuits who have simulated terrorists in exercises. If divers or windsurfers are mistaken for a spy or suicide bomber and if equipped with special harnesses carrying toxic darts, they could fire,' he said. 'The darts are designed to put the target to sleep so they can be interrogated later, but what happens if the victim is not found for hours?'
From yesterday's Situation Room:
VELSHI: Wolf, you heard the president speaking earlier today. One of the things he said when he was talking about energy is they are once again, the government is once again prepared to release oil to oil companies from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in case some of that oil coming from the Gulf of Mexico is still offline.
Well, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, as you know, is four sites. I've got a map of that, four sites in Texas and Louisiana. Two of them are in Texas, two of them are in Louisiana.
Over on the right, Bayou Choctaw, that was the only one that stayed open. The others three closed for Hurricane Rita. There are 72 million barrels of oil there. Of the remaining three, Bryan Mound is reopened and is fine. The other two, West Hackberry and Big Hill. Big hill we were actually at and have pictures of that for you. Roads -- access roads to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve are flooded. We have almost 400 barrels of oil between the two of those. Big Hill, in fact, has had damage.
So we are looking at even the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in this country having suffered damage as a result of Hurricane Rita. Just one more problem to contend with in terms of the flow of oil and energy supplies, Wolf.
Onto the hospital nurseries, I mean.
Debbie Lawson, neo-natal manager at the hospital's special care baby unit, said: "Cooing should be a thing of the past because these are little people with the same rights as you or me.
Joseph Vranich over at Capitalism Magazine draws astute parallels between Amtrak and the Jim Taggart-era Taggart Transcontinental.
In her novel, Taggart Transcontinental Railroad employees believed they had a "right" to jobs regardless of the economic insignificance of their work. Again life imitates fiction at Amtrak. If train service is discontinued completely on a route, a severance package provides many employees with full salary for five years. Amtrak's job-protection absurdity is unparalleled in other industries.
Selective Amnesia has posted an interesting question it calls a Random Question That Means Nothing.
. . . that the Knappster hasn't spent much time in Texas.
The main differences between Texas chili recipes and those other chili recipes is that "real" Texas chili has no beans and the main ingredient, after the meat, is chili peppers - whether chopped, diced, powdered, or liquified. Oh, and Texas chili just tastes better.
Kip discovers something called the NASA Art Program.
I woke up this morning with an idea. I intended to write a post called "Bush A Big-Government Conservative," ending with the line "The only thing worse than a big-government liberal is a big-government conservative. At least the liberals don't claim to dislike big government."
Senate bill considered to collect and store DNA information from those simply accused of a crime.
The provision, co-sponsored by Kyl and Sen. John Cornyn, R-Tex., does not require the government to automatically remove the DNA data of people who are never convicted. Instead, those arrested or detained would have to petition to have their information removed from the database after their cases were resolved.
One of the eminent domainers goes down in flames.
You are a Social Liberal (80% permissive) and an... Economic Conservative (100% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating |
It's bad enough she was down there exploiting the tragedy for ratings. But it's worse that she faked dog rescues to do it.
What she didn't tell viewers is that McConaughey and the Oprah crew jumped into the effort after two Dallas companies had already begun the rescue: Tenet Healthcare Corp. and Aviation Services Group Inc., which Tenet had hired to evacuate its hospitals.
The segment mentioned neither company nor any other rescuers.
Winfrey tells viewers he had been living there "without food and without water," even though Tenet had dropped enough to keep him and the animals going for days.
"As we landed, we knew we were in the right spot because there was literally a mountain of dog food," said Brent Hudspeth, who helped plan the pet rescue. "He had more dog food than he knew what to do with."
Before I moved to Thayer, I used to buy my Missouri Lotto tickets at the Hilltop Package Store in Lanton, Missouri.
I found a site where I can design my own tombstone, but only the text of it. And even that doesn't let you put much info ( I wanted to put "Philosopher, Poet, Blogger."), so I'm not going to do them the favor of linking to the site.
Here's one that lets me get closer to my idea, although mine would be black and would have a couple of dice at the top-center.
I'll use Microsoft Paint to design it at home tonight, so you get a better idea.
... soared to #6 on Amazon Wednesday.
It's a tie in the polls again. It seems Arkanssouri readers think baldness is mansexy, girlsexy, AND not sexy on either. New poll up -- which is worse, being the first among your circle of friends to die, or being the last among your circle of friends to die? |
I got a call from an old friend last night, who told me he didn't get the "Avert your eyes, Jimmy Carter!" headline on the story about the giant pink bunny.
He speaks on an imaginary walkie-talkie. You've noticed it; don't pretend you haven't. He ends every statement with "Over," like some tinfoil-hat-wearing post-traumatic stress disorder sufferer.
HONORE: We're not going to go by order the mayor or the governor and open
the convention center for people to come in. There are buses there. Is that
clear to you?Buses parked. There are 4,000 troops there. People come; they get on a bus; they get on a truck; they move on. Is that clear? Is that clear to the public?
HONORE: That's not your business.
QUESTION: General...
HONORE: Wait a minute. It didn't work the first time. This ain't the first
time. OK? If we don't control Rita -- understand -- so there will be a lot of
pieces of it that's going to be worked out. You got good public servants working
through it. Let's get a little trust here because you're starting to act like
this is your problem. You're carrying the message. OK? What we're going to do is have the buses staged. The initial place is the convention center. We're not
going to announce other places at this time until we get a plan set and we'll
let people know where those locations are through the government and through a
public announcement. Right now, to handle the number of people that want to
leave, we've got the capacity. You will come to the convention center -- there
are soldiers there from the 82nd Airborne and from the Louisiana National Guard.
People will be told to get on the bus and we will take care of them. And where
they go will be dependent on the capacity in the state. We have our
communications up and we will tell them where to go. And when they get there,
they'll be given the opportunity to get registered and so they can let their
families knows where they are. But don't start panic here. OK? We've got a
location. It is in the front of the convention center and that's where will use
to migrate people from.
QUESTION: General Honore, we were told that Vernon Stadium (inaudible) will
be another staging area. Are you using that area yet or not?
HONORE: Not to my knowledge. Again, the current place -- we just told you
one time is the convention center. Once we complete the plan with the mayor, and it's approved by the governor, then we'll start that in the next 12 to 24 hours. And understand that there's a problem in getting communications out. That's
where we need your help. But let's not confuse the questions with the answers. Buses at the convention center will move our citizens, for whom we have sworn that we will support and defend. And we'll move them on.Let's not get stuck on the last storm. You're asking last storm questions for people who are concerned about the future storm. Don't get stuck on stupid, reporters. We're moving forward. And don't confuse the people, please. You're a part of the public message. So help us get the message straight. And if you don't understand it, maybe it's confusing to the people. That's why we like the follow-up questions.But right now it's the convention center and move on.
QUESTION: (OFF-MIKE) just understand a little bit more about why that's
happening this time, though, and did not happen last time.
HONORE: You are stuck on stupid. I'm not going to answer that question. We are going to deal with Rita. This is public information that people are depending on the government to put out. This is the way we got to do it.So, please, I apologize to you, but let's talk about the future. Rita has happened. Right now we need to get good, clean information out to the people that they can use. And we can have a conversation on the side about the past a few months from now. OK?
The Deathclock now says I'll begin taking the long dirtnap on Tuesday, August 11, 2015.
... I turned off Monday Night Football so that I no longer had to look at these. Again.
"Oh, God, get it off! Get it off me! It burns!"
Groups want cigarette tax boost of 80 cents per pack in Missouri.
This should be of special interest to Callie, who may find herself in need of an excuse sometime:
Frank Clewer, who was wearing a woolen shirt and a synthetic nylon jacket, was oblivious to the growing electrical current that was building up as his clothes rubbed together.
When he walked into a building in the country town of Warrnambool in the southern state of Victoria Thursday, the electrical charge ignited the carpet.
They're much too interested in my reading habits.
The new [FBI] squad will divert eight agents, a supervisor and assorted support staff to gather evidence against "manufacturers and purveyors" of pornography -- not the kind exploiting children, but the kind that depicts, and is marketed to, consenting adults.
But Gonzales endorses the rationale of predecessor Meese: that adult pornography is a threat to families and children.
Mayor Nagin to New Orleans residents: Go away! Come back NOW! Go away again!
... this is an actual quote (emphasis mine, not theirs)from a news story:
THE fast-food chain, Burger King, is withdrawing its ice-cream cones after the lid of the dessert offended a Muslim.
"This is my jihad. How can you say it is a spinning swirl? If you spin it one way to the right you are offending Muslims."
Blame it on the Greeks, whydon'tcha?
Should the Atlantic see more than 21 named storms "additional storms will
take names from the Greek alphabet: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, and so on,"
according to the National Hurricane Center Web site.
The letters Q, U, X, Y and Z are skipped because not enough names start with those letters, Brown said.
It's been said that madness is repeating the same activity the same way over and over again and expecting a different result.
Ronald Reagan once gave an amused sigh at the liberals and dismissed them with a "They mean well."
Somehow, over the weekend, I've gained two years. Now I'm scheduled to die Friday, September 29th, 2017.
Ask not for whom the reaper gestures; he gestures for me.
I have GOT to get my affairs in order.
Geserit at the Ayn Rand Livejournal forum began an interesting discussion.
... that this blogger THINKS he or she gets it.
Saturday, August 15, 2015. Mark that date on your calendar, boys and girls.
As if the (false) association with Lyndon LaRouche wasn't bad enough! This may be even worse:
I went for a walk and met Cindy Sheehan. She was at the back of the stage with some rather large Marine guys. I waited patiently while she took some sort of political quiz. She circled responses for questions and seemed to be upset because she may have turned out Libertarian.
Says God wiped out Nawlins because Ellen Degeneres was to be Emmy host.
Cowardly lions we can deal with.
... of the warm welcome hurricane evacuees are getting.
"For the first time that anyone can remember, we have a city that's drug-free and violence-free," Nagin said. He added that gang members and drug dealers, who help make New Orleans the murder capital of the U.S., would find "a rude awakening" if they tried to return to business as usual in the Big Easy. Nagin said military forces would remain in the city for the foreseeable future.
I have a sneaking suspicion the Feds got punk'd.
In response to a question that asked, “Do you think of yourself as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or something else?” 90 percent of men 18-44 years of age responded that they think of themselves as heterosexual, 2.3 percent of men answered homosexual, 1.8 percent bisexual, 3.9 percent “something else,”
Reuters acknowledges it Photoshopped Bush's note, which explained that he, like the Pope, occasionally has to pee.
Once he saw what it said, Hershorn decided the note was interesting and worth publishing. The white parts of the picture were overexposed, so a Reuters processor used Photoshop to burn down the note.
The razor blade nuclear arms race continues to escalate.
$200 billion. That's 2 followed by eleven zeroes.
... he's listening, too.
The watchful eyes didn't save the victims of the London train bombings, now did they?
Corzine won't participate in debates with third-party candidates.
Bigot cop fired, five months after using his position to spew hatred at gay men.
Judge says no to private-party-to-private-party eminent domain action.
Looks like The Bear Review is dead again.
Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) diverted rescuers to pick up personal effects at his house.
"I don't think there is any explanation for an elected official using resources for their own personal use, when those resources should be doing search and rescue, or they should be helping with law enforcement in the city," said Jerry Hauer, a homeland security expert and ABC News consultant.
... Thayer MO had one yesterday afternoon. It lasted about 45 minutes. I went out on the smoking terrace and waited for Wolf Blitzer to come and insist I was in the Situation Room.
Story here.
Grumbling about new residential construction has been consistent, but the energy for the recall comes from a commercial project: Bauer's support of using eminent domain to make way for a gas station and convenience store.
The proposal is to force several property owners to sell so that a QuikTrip can be built near the corner of Manchester and McCausland avenues.
. . . turn out to be only a brief intermission. We see here that it has resumed it's evil, landgrabby ways.
Relocate the citizens of New Orleans to New London CT permanently.
The Christianity Lobby wants a piece of the land-grab action.
I don't know how much stock to put in this story; it IS The Mail, after all.
Baby born to braindead woman dies.
The Situation Room spent hours and hours yesterday telling us there was a power outage that lasted about an hour and a half in parts of Los Angeles.
BLITZER: I am sure that this is strictly coincidental, Jen, but I do want to point out and remind our viewers only yesterday there was an al Qaeda video from an American member of al Qaeda, who suggested that Los Angeles, suggested that Los Angeles was a potential target of al Qaeda. Melbourne, Australia, was mentioned as well. But once again our Jeanne Meserve, our homeland security correspondent, quoting her sources at the Department of Homeland Security, as well as Jen Rogers, quoting sources over at the LAPD, suggesting that there's no indication that terrorism has played any role in this power outage in the Los Angeles area.
Atlas Blogged. swmo libertarian. |
I ran across this while news googling this morning:
The HFEA are relentlessly imposing their libertarian agenda on the people of this country against their wishes.
It's hard to check the brake lights on your car when you are the only person there.
It's bad enough that he's a looter. But what's worse is that he goes to the UN to do his looting.
. . . to point out that Thad Allen is kind of hot?
Confirmation hearings for Judge Cutiepie start today!
Anonymity is a giant petri dish in which bigotry thrives. Cowards, when hidden under a Klansman's hood, will do things they wouldn't do normally.
Texas oil tycoon Boone Pickens and his wife, Madeleine, chartered a Continental flight for $50,000 to airlift dogs out of the Katrina area.
Brokeback Mountain, a tale of gay cowboy love.
No word on whether the sequels will be tales of Indian love, construction worker love, police love, or leather daddy love.
I propose a single block of unfinished granite, representing the enduring
and unvarnished legacy of Flight 93 with the immortal line, “Let’s Roll” hewn
into it in 5’ high letters. A panel below should be smoothed and polished and
the names of the fallen engraved there along with a description of their actions
that day. In front of this would be a simple paved plaza with one flagpole
facing the monument in their honour. Let the memorial be simple and
straightforward, uncluttered by the baggage of others and with a clear and
unambiguous message for all who would stand before it.
... may not be e. coli, cholera, or any other biological agent.
It seems Blogger didn't like all those equal signs I was using as a post divider.
For some reason, although I haven't been fiddling with my template today, my columns look funny.
... I forwarded the email from Chuck Purgason to the school, and printed out a copy and dropped it in the mail slot at City Hall (they were closed for lunch.)
Kia Sportage has this commercial I've seen a couple of times since Katrina.
... you can end your hate campaign any time now.
... or at least the African dude who got jiggy with one.
...Traders and Looters.
Acting on an emergency request from the American Red Cross, the FCC on Friday handed over control of the toll-free number 1-800-RED-CROSS to the nonprofit group, unceremoniously plucking it from the hands of corporate digit-squatters who'd been hoping for a six-figure payday.
Years...many years ago, Rod Stewart sold out Hammons Student Center at Southwest Missouri State University (now MSU). At the last minute, he cancelled the show, claiming to be sick.
Went to get the car seat fixed this morning. Had to pay for it out of the money I was saving up for Christmas.
Unfortunately, it wasn't quite the response I was looking for:
In order to coordinate all efforts, the Governor has appointed Adjutant
General King Sidwell to be Missouri's Hurricane Relief Coordinator. Your
idea for the school has merit. Your city officials should contact the
Adjutant General to alert him if it is indeed available. Contact numbers
for Emergency Operations Centers are 573-638-9803, 573-638-9804,
Thank you for thinking of those in need.
Chuck Purgason
... or your inner Hillary Clinton, if that's your proclivity.
Refugee: n. - One who flees to a shelter, or place of safety.
For a week now, all we've been hearing is that the Bush Administration failed the disaster victims.
In the days leading up to Hurricane Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin did not use hundreds of buses that were sitting in bus yards, some less than a mile from the Superdome, to evacuate citizens who were too poor to make their way out of the city. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco commented, "The buses could have saved an estimated 20,000 people if they had been used for emergency evacuations which President Bush had declared two days before Katrina hit."
I have learned that Thayer city government ignores pressure from below and only responds to pressure from above, so I am sending the following email to my state and federal representatives.
The city of Thayer Missouri recently built a new elementary school. As far as I know, the old school is unused and empty. I think this would make a good shelter for many evacuees. Here is the phone number for the Thayer city clerk's office: (417) 264-3921 and the schools: (417) 264-7261.
Didn't you realize that when the cameras went elsewhere, Jesse Jackson would drop you like a knocked-up mistress?
What does it mean when my traffic triples when I'm NOT posting?
Saturday, I think it was.
I just hope it's the people I intended to get it.
or is Mayor Nagin's blaming everyone but his own city government for the situation New Orleans is in wearing thin?
I didn't mean to be gone so long, honest.