Today's quote of the day . . .
. . . is a sad comment on our times.
Iowans planning to eat pumpkins can still get a tax exemption if they fill
out a form.
Labels: Quote of the Day, taxation
. . . is a sad comment on our times.
Iowans planning to eat pumpkins can still get a tax exemption if they fill
out a form.
Labels: Quote of the Day, taxation
Click pic to embiggen.
Labels: Libertarians, online polls, polling
I've created an online poll that actually encourages input from Ron Paul's supporters. Take a look over in the left-hand column, about halfway down. And vote (once per person, please).
Labels: online polls, polling, polls, Ron Paul, ron paul revolution
The biggest thing I remember about Robert Goulet is that on one of those lame late-70's sitcoms (I think maybe it was Alice), the protagonist of the series dressed up as him and unexpectedly met him. Hillarity supposedly ensued.
Labels: dead celebrities
Here's a case of assault with extreme pickle prejudice.
This will never make it onto Song of the Day.
Labels: ATlas Shrugged, Bjork, Lukas Foss, Song of the Day
Labels: Song of the Day, The Cranberries
One has to wonder about the sexuality of men who would voluntarily canoe the Deliverance River.
R writes lots of amusing things on his calendar, in between stalking ex-girlfriends and printing out articles from See "Fisting and God's Will" especially, which cautions us
"[B]ecause of the intense nature of the act of fisting and the degree of
surrender and submission involved in being fisted, a couple should first look
deeply into their own hearts and pray for guidance as to whether it is wise for
the wife to fist the husband. "
Labels: Guy Fawkes, V for Vendetta
Labels: First Amendment, free speech, free speech zones, MSU
Labels: herbal remedies, Michael Stipe, Song of the Day, Talking Heads, ZOOM
In this scene, Ennis Del Mar is so distraught over the death of his boyfriend Jack Twist at the end of Brokeback Mountain 1 that he goes a little heavy on the drag makeup and begins stalking Jack's sister Maggie.
Labels: Batman, Brokeback Mountain, Ennis Del Mar, Heath Ledger, Jack Twist
Obama sticks with religious zealot who has declared "war" on gay people.
Labels: gay issues, Obama
Looks like Nanny Huckabee went to public school.
Labels: fuzzy math, Mike Huckabee, Nanny Huckabee, outcomes-based education
It had taken twenty years, but as John awoke from the third night of sleep in a row in which his right knee ached so bad he hadn't gotten more than an hour of sleep at a time, he began to come to the realization that arthritis might finally be setting up around the area where he'd been operated on when he was seventeen to repair his cartilage and stop his knee from popping out of place several times a day.
Labels: Song of the Day, Sting, The Police
Let's see now.
[T]he city of Denver used eminent domain to clear out the lower end of the city and make way for Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies Major League Baseball team.
These don't meet the threshold for our prestigious Douchebag of the Month nomination process (barely), but a couple of experiences over the weekend deserve an honorable mention.
I have never in my life seen a commercial for a Chrysler product called the Entervan.
I've told this to R, but I don't think I've told the rest of my minions.
Labels: signs of the times
You know those novelty police-tape replicas they sell around Halloweentime every year?
Labels: Pentecosts, signs of the times
But I'm going to leave it up to your imaginations how long it took me to figure out DJ Asian Rice was not an Oriental rapper.
But not men, apparently.
Farmers showed up in force at the council meeting Thursday night to voice their opposition to a proposal that would have prohibited the use of natural fertilizers in the city limits.
The Elkins City Council put the ordinance on its first reading Oct. 4. The ordinance defined “ non-manmade” fertilizer as any raw, unprocessed animal, bird or fish waste or byproducts.
Labels: bans
Labels: Arkansas, bans, personal freedoms, secondhand drool
I wonder. If asked, would Ann Coulter be Stephen Colbert's running mate?
Labels: Ann Coulter, Paul Gigot, Ron Paul, Stephen Colbert
I remember being in school one day, boning up for the little current events presentation each student had to do periodically. Unfortunately, I don't remember what grade I was in, but I guess it doesn't matter.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Patrolman Patrick Gillman.
The single mother of four is accused of yelling profanities at her overflowing toilet near an open window, then shouting profanities at an off-duty Scranton police officer who asked her to stop. Patrolman Patrick Gilman, who’s also a neighbor of Ms. Herb, called the Police Department to file a complaint.
Patrolman Tallo, however, has maintained that Ms. Herb was creating a public disturbance, according to a police report. He alleges she was yelling and cursing, using the “f-word” so loud in her residence that she could be heard throughout the neighborhood.
Also, he claims that Patrolman Gilman asked Ms. Herb to “watch her mouth, that there were young children in the neighborhood.” This response, Patrolman Tallo said, was met by Ms. Herb saying “f--- you.”
Ms. Herb’s version differs from that of the police.
She said her neighbor told her to “Shut the f--- up,” and her response was “Mind your own business.”
Labels: Douchebag of the Month nominees
Freedom Of Assembly.
Standing around to chat on a busy Manhattan street can certainly create an inconvenience for other pedestrians. But is it illegal?
Labels: Hillary Clinton, Meredith Brooks, Song of the Day
When is Star Wars not Star Wars?
"The Skywalkers aren't in it, and it's about minor characters," Lucas said in an interview. "It has nothing to do with Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader or any of those people. It's completely different. But it's a good idea, and it's going to be a lot of fun to do."
Labels: cynicism, merchandising, Star Wars
From the transcript of Larry Craig's arrest:
[Arresting Officer] DK: Okay. So we'll start over, you're gonna get out of here. You're gonna have to pay a fine and that will be it. Okay, I don't call media, I don't do any of that type of crap.
Labels: breach of contract, Dave Karsnia, Douchebag of the Month nominees, Larry Craig, Republican sex scandals
That title doesn't have anything to do with anything, really, except that like herpes outbreaks, Tsongases keep popping up unexpectedly.
Once upon a time, this was an anthem for rebellion, a soundtrack for the lives of alienated, disaffected youth and Libertarians.
Labels: Libertarians, Ron Paul, slut pills, Twisted Sister
Columbia (MO, not Columbia the country)'s police are apparently too busy.
The Columbia Police Department is suggesting that the City Council not proceed with developing an ordinance to make using cell phones while driving illegal in a report submitted at Monday’s council meeting.
“We are already very busy with other issues on our plate,” [Police Chief Randy] Boehm said.
. . . but hidden inside CNBC's decision to take down their poll because the Ron Paul network is good at, um, networking is this little admission that CNBC's polls are illegitimate:
So there was our after-debate poll. The numbers grew ... 7,000-plus votes after a couple of hours ... and Ron Paul was at 75%.
Now Paul is a fine gentleman with some substantial backing and, by the way, was a dynamic presence throughout the debate , but I haven't seen him pull those kind of numbers in any "legit" poll.
Kenneth Lee suggests banning bans.
at least above the hibachi!
Not only did [temperature monitoring] sites fail to meet the NCDC's requirements, but encroaching development had put many in ridiculously unsuitable locations -- on hot black asphalt, next to trash burn barrels, beside heat exhaust vents, even attached to hot chimneys and above outdoor grills.
Soon thereafter, a Seattle radio station interviewed the head of the NCDC, Dr. Thomas Peterson, informed him of the effort and quizzed him about the problems. Three days later, the NCDC removed all website access to station site locations, citing "privacy concerns." Without this data (which had been public for years), the validation effort was blocked. No more stations could be located.
Labels: Environmental Illness, global warming
Ron Paul wins Nevada straw poll.
Labels: Big Media, media bias, Mitt Romney, MSNBC, Ron Paul
"Governor Huckabee, same question. Do you need Congress to approve such an
HUCKABEE: A president has to [do] whatever is necessary to protect the
American people. If we think Iran is building nuclear capacity that could be
used against us in any way, including selling some of the nuclear capacity to
some other terrorist group, then, yes, we have a right...
MATTHEWS: Without going to Congress?
HUCKABEE: And I would do it in a heartbeat."
Labels: Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Nanny Huckabee, Ron Paul
That's the gist of this online petition.
Labels: Big Media, Ron Paul, ron paul revolution
Nationwide would rather play hardball with Katrina victims than pay their claims, but they can afford to blow $84 million to sponsor one of the minor leagues of NASCAR.
The owners of a downtown Waynesville fitness center have removed unauthorized “no parking” signs on their building, Police Chief Don McCulloch reported at the Oct. 4 Waynesville Police Committee meeting.
Those signs had prompted discussion at last month’s police committee meeting on whether people could post signs on private property that appeared to be ban parking on a city street, but had no city ordinance backing them up.
An Interior Ministry official says Baghdad police have been instructed to ban streetside parking in the capital as Sunnis start marking the holiday that ends the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Labels: bans, loss of individual liberty, private property rights
September 19th, Hillary Clinton called Dick Cheney Darth Vader.
Labels: Darth Vader, Dick Cheney, Hillary Clinton
I'm amending a previous post.
... when an Arkansas legislator introduced a bill that would prevent illegal aliens from voting and receiving state benefits, Huckabee denounced the bill, saying it would rile up "those who are racist and bigots."
He also made the insane point that companies like Toyota would not invest in Arkansas if the state didn't allow non-citizens to vote because it would "send the message that, essentially, 'If you don't look like us, talk like us and speak like us, we don't want you.'"
Another could feature an illegal alien sneaking across the border. He emerges from the Rio Grande, turns to the camera, and says "Ted Kennedy wants to make the American taxpayer pay for my health care with no proof of citizenship required. Muchas Gracias, Teddy!"
Labels: illegal aliens, Mike Huckabee, Nanny Huckster
Islamists damage giant rock Buddha.
Labels: animals, September 11, terrorism
I told you; I told you! But did you listen? Noooooo! They're not even DONE with smoking yet, and they're already working on the next project:
[Arkansas State] Rep. Pam Adcock said she will propose next week a ban on
chewing tobacco from that chamber's floors or committee rooms. Adcock
contemplated seeking the ban during a committee meeting earlier this year and
said she would push for a state law in the 2009 session banning chewing tobacco
throughout the Capitol.
Labels: bans, Health Nazis, loss of individual liberty, smoking
Labels: Song of the Day, Verve Pipe
Here's a headline for you:
Instead of going after a twelve-year-old (who's family DID, however, allow him to place himself on the front lines of America's culture war), how about running ads featuring a 25-year-old driving a black BMW fast, bordering on recklessly, up a twisting mountain road in vineyard country. He gets to the top and steps out, wearing an Armani suit and hundred dollar shades. He looks into the camera says, "Hillary Clinton wants to make the taxpayer pay for my Botox. Thanks, Hillary!" And he gives the thumbs-up sign.
Labels: Hillary Clinton, socialized medicine, Ted Kennedy
Republicans -- the War is Peace Party.
Was washing my chest fur this morning when one of those random synapse misfirings came up with a question -- If the Village People had happened in Ye Olde English Village, what would their lineup be?
R called yesterday, wanting someone to talk him through the stress of looking for baking soda in Dillon's supermarket.
Labels: Dixie Chicks, Kenny Chesney, The Tampons and Crayons Tour
Sound quality (and video quality, for that matter) is tres horrible, but this is the only copy of this I could find, and this was the song I just had to post today.
Labels: Song of the Day, Wall of Voodoo
Who puts an "I AM NOT SPAM" checkbox at the end of their comment form?
Labels: absurdity, Substandard
Humongous fuel prices force mileage rationing for Utah deputies.
Officers in Davis County have been told to limit their driving to 75 to 100 miles during a 12-hour shift, through the end of the year, sheriff's Lt. Brad Wilcox said Monday.
Labels: gas prices
and Michael Bonanno's shit-stupidness is already apparent.
Last night, I happened upon a 1959 Mike Wallace interview. In this interview, Wallace was speaking to Ayn Rand, the goddess of today’s Libertarian Party[1], the party that Ron Paul would belong to if he had any courage[2]. But Paul has no courage.
Labels: Ayn Rand, Douchebag of the Month nominees, Libertarians, Michael Bonanno
. . . and gather up all the wrapping paper from the Columbus presents. Columbus Day has come and gone for another year.
Congratulations, [Former] Sgt. James Kuehnlein, you are the Douchebag of the Month!
Labels: Douchebag of the Month winners
Had to go to Salem this morning.
Labels: prison soap
Buried in this piece about why it's taking longer for Marshall and H4H to build a Habitat house than it should [emphasis mine.]:
"We're certainly not stalling for any particular reason other than people have to understand and be patient," he said. "When we entered into this partnership with the city of the Artisan Avenue redevelopment project, we took on the challenge of building five homes there. This being the first of five. When anytime you are claiming a piece of property off of eminent domain these are the types of obstacles an organization has to face."
Labels: eminent domain, Habitat for Humanity, Jimmy Carter, landthieves
Labels: ACLU, Surveillance society
My interest in genealogy comes and goes, but I did find out something interesting in the past couple of days -- my mother's paternal grandfather's mother was from Holland.
. . . but it deserves it's own post.
Jesus' mom didn't have a driver's license either, didn't even have a driver; was she therefore a bad mother?
Heard a catchy new term on KMOX last night,describing Elizabeth Taylor's latest gay husband-to-be. An entertainment reporter described Jason Winters' long-term relationship with another dude as "man-married."
Can we have Steve Bartman involuntarily committed somewhere far, far away from Wrigley until after the postseason?Question for John Edwards: If CORPORATE welfare is a bad thing, why do you insist that CANDIDATE welfare is a noble thing? You're right about that whole "two Americas" thing, Senator. You're just wrong about what the division line is -- there are those of us who will make it on our own or die trying, and those of us who are always looking for a government handout of money stolen from the taxpayers. Apparently, you are one of the latter.
Cleveland police, if they find your door unlocked, just turn the knob and walk on in. No probable cause, no warrants, nothing. No place is hidden from the all-seeing eye of Big Brother. [H/T to "Packing" on the forum boards of the Sandusky Register for that one.]
The first nominee for for October's Douchebag of the Month Award is whoever was responsible for raising James Dean of Thayer MO, for not teaching him to SHUT THE FU@K UP WHEN HE'S IN THE FU@KING LIBRARY! WHEN did people stop teaching their kids that they're supposed to be QUIET in the library? ' Cuz there's sure a crop of late-teenagers coming up that doesn't seem to have a CLUE that that's the case! [I'll announce the September DOMA winner when I come back off hiatus.]
'They come at night and murder the monks.'
Like the footage of the heroic, doomed man staring down a line of tanks at Tiananmen Square, the world will never allow itself to forget the image of the bloody sandal. It will be etched into our collective minds forever, and some day there shall come a reckoning.
Labels: catchup, Douchebag of the Month nominees
Who solicits comments to online news articles and then prints them in the newspaper without disclosing beforehand that's what will happen to them?
Labels: areawide media